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How do I become an SFC member?


How do I become an SFC member?

Simply attend one of my seminars.
Renew? Attend next year's seminar.
SFC membership is free.

I'd like to keep the membership free. If some weird thing happens, that might have to change, but I can't forsee it now. I don't feel like I run an "organization", more like an "alumni." When I hear the term, "martial arts organization?" I get a bad feeling in my stomach, really...deep down...don't you? ($$$$)


And of course, we need to see instructors about once every year or every year and a half in a seminar, barring emergencies. This is our renewal/recertification process. No other re-cert costs.

This keeps me in personal touch with instructors, keeps them abreast of changes and improvements.



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