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Author Topic: What's it based on?  (Read 25314 times)


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What's it based on?
« on: June 02, 2006, 08:32:17 PM »

"What's it based on?

Four principles I think all sound doctrine should be based on. (and then a few ideas)

Mission / Strategy Training :
This is an overall plan. Big picture. This training can be done in a classroom, in a lecture format. "Today we are talking about the defeating the mugger." "The studies say..." "He will statistically attack you by..."

Tactical (and practical) Training:
These are the general tactics that seem to cross-over into so many applications, such as ...working on a pistol quick draw, slashing a knife, or palm-striking a heavy bag. You might call this basic training.

Situational Training:
This requires more study. What are the situations you will be in. Where? This is crisis rehearsal in replications of scenarios. Who are you? Where do you think you will be? What will you need to make through? You might call this the start of advanced training.
Then the problem arises...fighting is situational. Circumstantial.
We teach cops to fight. Simple fighting. But... then we have to look at the places they often fight and die. A traffiic stop for just one place. We then have to teach them simple things about the dangers of a traffic stop. What to watch out for. How to defeat a driver pulling a gun...all that. What about bar tricks? Robbery tricks? Domestic disturbance tricks?  Simple becomes complexity Then, soldiers need urban and rural awareness self defense. Then, citizens need their own solutions. Then there is the basics against the knife....

Positional Training:
This is the very "pinpoint" right down to it. The general tactics may well work, but now where exactly and precisely are you and the opponent? This is the real fine tuning of tactics as needed. The finite situation. Like...bottom-side ground and his left leg is out. Arm Wrap trap or your knife hand/arm warp trap of his empty hand. His left hand is on your throat and you are up against a wall. Sometimes, solutions relate to finite positioning. You could die because his elbow was low instead of high, or his hip was canted right instead of left. The more time you have to study? The more you can learn about the finite.

These are the things I ponder and worry about. The filters I run everything I do through. The end result is the material in the courses, and the whole SFC in general.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2008, 07:27:51 AM by Hock »


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Re: What's it based on?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 05:42:56 PM »

I look for the bare-bones tactic.
The essence of the tactic.
I strip away all the art aspects.

if something I teach looks like karate or Wing Chun or might be by accident! It have a generic collection of things that simple work a lot. A good precenatge of success. There is a propensity for these good things to appear in various systems.

The idiots and the ignorant at times criticize me for being..."Asian-based."

          "How can this system be effectice I wonder if it is Asian based."

Then some wonder-boys criticize me for being "filipino-based." While I have a diploma or two from these colleges, what I teach is based on the essence of combat.

That is the base I seek. The true "esence of combat" found at the base of all good systems. But you still have to go to college. Colleges - with an "s" even. Former Police Chief and Airborne vet Mike Gillette once said of me years back-

   "You don't pay Hock to watch him perform at a seminar. You actually pay Hock
    for his 'eye,' - his discerning eye."

Which I thank Mikey for saying that. And it does help define my mission pretty well, as there are hundreds and hundreds of wonder boys out there with a rather blind eye.


« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 08:20:15 AM by Hock »


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Re: What's it based on?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2008, 07:55:49 AM »

And some of the other foundation ideas I think about....

-The "Who, What, Where, When, How and Why" Combat Equation
 This can be taught at the Army war College or a small citizen self defense course.

-Myth of the Duel (it's a mixed weapons, no-rules, ambush-to-showdown world)

-Reducing the training. (Making the Surreal - real.)

-Minimization of Wound Theory and the Tenacity of Life Theory

-Seamless transition of tactics from standing to ground.
 "Practice something standing? Try it on the ground." This is a mandatory survival basic.

-Maximize seamless transition training of hand, stick, knife, gun where possible

-A solid Unarmed Combat course is also the foundation for all mixed-weapon fighting

-"I will never tell you how to fight your fights!" Fighting methods are an individual's
  selection process in the end, after proper education, experimentation and exercise

- Some level of acting is required to successfully teach reality

- "Fortune favors the prepared"

- Physical size matters.

- Moving...Combat "footwork" includes all down-on-ground maneuvers, sport/ring footwork
  AND obstacle course work, without weapons, and with all modern weapons in hand.

- Thrive in Chaos. - "Expect Chaos. Plan for Chaos. Thrive in it"

- list to continue as I recall my notes

These and other topics are sometimes written about here on the forum, or they are written about in my blog.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 09:32:06 AM by Hock »
