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W. Hock Hochheim's

           Combat Centric

Talk Forum for Military, Police, Martial Artists and Aware Citizenry interested in self-defense for moral, legal and ethical purposes.

Hock Fightin' Words Talk Forum

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 on: June 02, 2006, 08:42:46 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
This looks to complicated? Too much?

I have my own favorite 6 to 10 things I like, that works for me. My favorites.

A regular person wants to know a few tricks on the parking lot to get home.
I teach a lot of stuff and here's why.

I do not tell anyone what their favorites are, as that should be based on a person's size, shape, age and strength and our experimentation in class.

We demand personal expression and expect personal selections from people. They develop their own favorites for what is right for them. They pick what they think from the big textbook.

Students work through the process and get their 6 or 8 or 10 things to emphasize.

Instructors who teach people from all shapes, ages, sizes and strengths should know the textbook to properly to give their students the same freedom to experiment and select.

The instructor should-
> have his own personal favorites and,

> offer a lot for their students so:

                 -they can be instructors to properly teach all and,
                 -they too can have their favorites too

                              ...and so it goes....
                              ...and so it goes....


 on: June 02, 2006, 08:32:17 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
"What's it based on?

Four principles I think all sound doctrine should be based on. (and then a few ideas)

Mission / Strategy Training :
This is an overall plan. Big picture. This training can be done in a classroom, in a lecture format. "Today we are talking about the defeating the mugger." "The studies say..." "He will statistically attack you by..."

Tactical (and practical) Training:
These are the general tactics that seem to cross-over into so many applications, such as ...working on a pistol quick draw, slashing a knife, or palm-striking a heavy bag. You might call this basic training.

Situational Training:
This requires more study. What are the situations you will be in. Where? This is crisis rehearsal in replications of scenarios. Who are you? Where do you think you will be? What will you need to make through? You might call this the start of advanced training.
Then the problem arises...fighting is situational. Circumstantial.
We teach cops to fight. Simple fighting. But... then we have to look at the places they often fight and die. A traffiic stop for just one place. We then have to teach them simple things about the dangers of a traffic stop. What to watch out for. How to defeat a driver pulling a gun...all that. What about bar tricks? Robbery tricks? Domestic disturbance tricks?  Simple becomes complexity Then, soldiers need urban and rural awareness self defense. Then, citizens need their own solutions. Then there is the basics against the knife....

Positional Training:
This is the very "pinpoint" right down to it. The general tactics may well work, but now where exactly and precisely are you and the opponent? This is the real fine tuning of tactics as needed. The finite situation. Like...bottom-side ground and his left leg is out. Arm Wrap trap or your knife hand/arm warp trap of his empty hand. His left hand is on your throat and you are up against a wall. Sometimes, solutions relate to finite positioning. You could die because his elbow was low instead of high, or his hip was canted right instead of left. The more time you have to study? The more you can learn about the finite.

These are the things I ponder and worry about. The filters I run everything I do through. The end result is the material in the courses, and the whole SFC in general.

 on: June 02, 2006, 08:21:16 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
"What's your style?"

Well, I am the cool, quiet type. Slow to anger, but when...oh! Oh, you mean my martial art style?

Martial art style is not a term that relates to me too well. I know what you mean by it and it is an easy term of reference to use, but I have grown not to like it. Style as in martial arts is a certain kind of approach, like,

"In our style we use Chinese joint locks to make throws and takedowns.

"In our style we emphasize Filipino stick work to teach hand-to-hand..."

"In our style we use Japanese methods to teach self defense."

"We use a Korean/French mix to over come aggression."

"In my style of fighting I only teach knees, head butts and elbows."

Style with and upon styles. Highlighted expressions. I am rather, all about stripping the style from the moves. I teach the essence of combat, clean, practical, tactical. (if you want to call THAT a style, then you are one semantic devil!)

I try not to look a certain way.
I try not to have any finesse or flair (such is subjective system by system)
I am not interested in looking fluid, smooth or impressive.

You can have training on a particular tactic that is just as thorough and complete as any other "style," minus all the trimmings, outfits and flags.

Just nuts and bolts movements.
It is supposed to be shocking and ugly.
If I look pretty while doing something, it is strictly by accident.

How pretty is a car wreck?

 on: June 02, 2006, 12:03:14 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
What is your Scientific Fighting Congress?

It is the umbrella name, the corporate name for all our training courses, like the Force Necessary courses and the PAC course.

The "SFC." It is an international teaching organization, an umbrella corporate name, I started in 1996 that is dedicated to researching and instructing less-than-lethal and lethal hand, stick, knife and gun combat. My research sources for the criteria are from police, the military, the martial arts and the aware citizenry, taking the best of what works from each. Starting out in Hawaiian martial arts (Parker Kenpo in 1973) I have spent copious time in Pacific Island materials and hope to best combine, clean and simplify them in the PAC course.

I then filter and organize the material based on my own views and personal experience. My goal, my mission is to bridge the gap between these sciences and educate all of these groups. Enlightened members inside each group know things about war and crime, combat and survival that the other groups do not.

I also believe in a concept called the "seamless application" off all weapons and tactics in all ranges, standing, kneeling, sitting and on the ground, which a rare few people and systems even understand or are savvy enough to practice. Seamless is the key word.

We also constantly wrestle with squeezing and ringing out the sporty and arty aspects that infect real survival with dangerous with sport and artsy cancers. It tales constant vigilance and oversight to work on this.

This training is for regular citizens, martial artists, military and police. We offer training, rank and instructorships. I have long called it,

"Bridging the Gap between the citizen, the soldier, the police and the martial artist. Each group knows things about fighting that the other doesn't."

It is a Congress of many people and many systems. that is why I like the word-Congress.

"These training courses are for regular people/citizens, police, guards, martial artists, and the armed forces. Contact us for consultations, professional protection and security teams and investigations worldwide. In our training courses, Hock teaches martial courses, not martial arts."

Within the umbrella SFC are the Force Necessary hand, stick, knife and gun courses, a martial book business and a martial training film business.


 on: June 02, 2006, 11:43:50 AM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
What Does It Cost?

Each weekend seminar is about $189 to $225 (depends on country and expenses)
Each 3-4-day camp is about $300 to $450 (depends on country and expenses)

Each "end user" rank level test, per course is $100.
Each rank level instructorship is $150 (after every 3 levels)
Each level 10 and up "Black Belt" test is $500.

Each accumulated hand, stick, knife and gun collective CQC Group accomplishment/rank is free, as they are accumulated and awarded by finishing work in the four hand, stick, knife and gun individual courses. (Only I can award CQC Group rank, in person and after one completes an official CQC Group Camp)

Each CQC Group level instructorship is free, as they are accumulated and awarded by finishing work in each of the four hand, stick, knife and gun individual courses. (Only I can award CQC Group rank and instructorships, in person.

- No annual dues.
- No monthly dues.
- No per-student dues.
- Instructors keep all their money they earn teaching.
- No "other shoe" will ever drop on them (30 years now - no shoe!).
- Instructors continue to teach their materials and keep all testing fees.
- Many times students want an international affiliation and are interested in also getting the "Hock SFC" ranks also, in which case there is a "wholesale" rate for this.


 on: June 02, 2006, 11:37:47 AM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
Our SFC instructors range from people-

* people who teach SFC material full time,

* people who have SFC classes inside their other school classes

* people who just build their resume from graduating another course.

I will never intrude on any of that. Whether they are doing the smartest thing is their business.

This is why there are smarter instructors to contact that might not be right in your immediate area! For example-

Lets say you live in San Francisco, CA....
Pete Smith is a basic instructor of the Knife Course. Pete Smith has his own Karate school. You want to learn about the knife and you call Pete Smith. Pete tells you, you must first sign up for his karate classes, buy a uniform, learn Japanese and well, jump through a lot of unrelated hoops you don't want to do.

Or, Johnny Johnson has a mixed martial arts school and his own knife course, based on mine, but he has some other things in it, like a little curved knife silat in it, cause he likes that ugly thing as a hobby. You will see the Congress material in that course, but other stuff too and you may not be fully happy.

You should instead call Keith Miller in Sacramento! No hoops. No other priorities that get in the way of what you want. Keith will work with you.

I love Pete Smith and Johnny Johnson, but they have lost a long-term customer. In time, they will loose many long-term students asking for only SFC courses.

These are all things I will not and do not want to mandate or control.
Water seeks its own level. I would rather be a group of free people than some pompus king mandating strict rules. Not a healthy environment.

So, shop around the regional instructors. See what they saw and what they want you to do. See if they will do what you want.


 on: June 02, 2006, 11:17:02 AM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
How do I become an instructor?

Various rankings in each or all the courses can be achieved in seminars and classes. Train with us and master these levels. Instructorships are available in each course, or in the CQC Group. Instructorships involve classroom training, hands-on practice and both written and physical testing in a designated camp or course.

First, pick a course:

* Force Necessary: Hand! The unarmed course
* Force Necessary: Stick! The impact weapons course
* Force Necessary: Knife! The knife course
* Force Necessary: Gun! The gun course
* Close Quarter Concepts Group: (completion of the above hand, stick, knife, gun. For example, if someone is hand 3, stick 3, knife 3, gun 3, thay are automatically CQC Group 3.)
* Defender!: The police judo, enforcement-security course

* Essential Filipino Martial Arts and Pacific Archipelago Concepts: Materials from Indonesia, Hawaii, Japan, Philippines.

These levels are not long, not complicated and built to be an easily digested progression. Technically everything should be in level 1! But it can't be. It has to be spaced out for this digestion.
The teaching levels are:
  > Class Organizer authorized to develop your skills with partners for advancement
  > Basic Instructor upon completing any  3 levels in a course
  > Advanced Instructor upon completing any 6 levels in a course
  > Specialist Instructor upon completing any 9 levels in a course
  > "Black Belt" Instructor upon completing Level 10. We know that in the business of teaching, one important credential among others, among the students of the world, is the accomplishment of a Black Belt. And with that? Your training/understanding truly begins. This is an old black belt adage that is and should be very true.

Finish any three levels in one course (they need not be order) and then qualify as a basic instructor. Finish any 6? Advanced. Finish any 9? Subject Matter Specialist.

Much of the early testing is done at seminars as I will teach that level's material and watch a candidate perform it in amongst other students.
My typical seminars are about 12 to 14 hours over a weekend. I only plan on teaching certain themes for about 6 to 8 of these hours. The other hours I select material needed by the attendees.

Some camps are geared specifically for rank advancement. Those are the best to go to. Most seminars are just about various subject matters.


 on: June 02, 2006, 11:09:29 AM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
SFC is the umbrella name of my business. The courses under that umbrella have different names. What are the Force Necessary courses? I would like to state up front, I don't consider these "martial arts" courses. They are just generic training courses. Certification courses.

- Force Necessary: Hand! The Unarmed Combatives Course

- Force Necessary: Knife! The Knife Course

- Force Necessary: Stick! The Impact Weapon Course

- Force Necessary: Gun! The Gun Course

- CQC Group. Do all the above? You are automatically in the Close Quarter Concepts Group.

- Essential Filipino Martial Arts - Pacific Archipelago Concepts: The combative essence of Pacific Islands systems. Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Hawaii.

- Defender: The Police Judo Course: This course is the hand, stick, knife, gun material, but geared for enforcement and security missions. Police need their own police-named course.)

Be in any course, or all courses.
Take tests for ranks and instructors in one or all courses.
You can achieve the various levels out of order, like someone take college courses.
Don't take tests and just train for knowledge.


 on: June 02, 2006, 11:05:51 AM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
How do I become an SFC member?

Simply attend one of my seminars.
Renew? Attend next year's seminar.
SFC membership is free.

I'd like to keep the membership free. If some weird thing happens, that might have to change, but I can't forsee it now. I don't feel like I run an "organization", more like an "alumni." When I hear the term, "martial arts organization?" I get a bad feeling in my stomach, really...deep down...don't you? ($$$$)


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