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Author Topic: How to Become an Instructor?  (Read 51060 times)


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How to Become an Instructor?
« on: June 02, 2006, 11:17:02 AM »

How do I become an instructor?

Various rankings in each or all the courses can be achieved in seminars and classes. Train with us and master these levels. Instructorships are available in each course, or in the CQC Group. Instructorships involve classroom training, hands-on practice and both written and physical testing in a designated camp or course.

First, pick a course:

* Force Necessary: Hand! The unarmed course
* Force Necessary: Stick! The impact weapons course
* Force Necessary: Knife! The knife course
* Force Necessary: Gun! The gun course
* Close Quarter Concepts Group: (completion of the above hand, stick, knife, gun. For example, if someone is hand 3, stick 3, knife 3, gun 3, thay are automatically CQC Group 3.)
* Defender!: The police judo, enforcement-security course

* Essential Filipino Martial Arts and Pacific Archipelago Concepts: Materials from Indonesia, Hawaii, Japan, Philippines.

These levels are not long, not complicated and built to be an easily digested progression. Technically everything should be in level 1! But it can't be. It has to be spaced out for this digestion.
The teaching levels are:
  > Class Organizer authorized to develop your skills with partners for advancement
  > Basic Instructor upon completing any  3 levels in a course
  > Advanced Instructor upon completing any 6 levels in a course
  > Specialist Instructor upon completing any 9 levels in a course
  > "Black Belt" Instructor upon completing Level 10. We know that in the business of teaching, one important credential among others, among the students of the world, is the accomplishment of a Black Belt. And with that? Your training/understanding truly begins. This is an old black belt adage that is and should be very true.

Finish any three levels in one course (they need not be order) and then qualify as a basic instructor. Finish any 6? Advanced. Finish any 9? Subject Matter Specialist.

Much of the early testing is done at seminars as I will teach that level's material and watch a candidate perform it in amongst other students.
My typical seminars are about 12 to 14 hours over a weekend. I only plan on teaching certain themes for about 6 to 8 of these hours. The other hours I select material needed by the attendees.

Some camps are geared specifically for rank advancement. Those are the best to go to. Most seminars are just about various subject matters.

« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 09:17:02 AM by Hock »


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Re: How to Become an Instructor?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2006, 12:20:16 PM »

Also, of course, your regional instructor, or your favorite non-regional instructor can promote you too, in his or her regular classes, semi-privates or privates.



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Re: How to Become an Instructor?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2006, 01:44:02 PM »

Q: Must Instructors Teach Only Force Necessary Material?

A: NO! You are free to do as you wish. Some FN instructors...

    - Exclusively teach FN material, or...

    - Run FN courses in their school or other schools, and-or...

    - Mix FN material into their existing program, and-or...

    - Lease time in schools, gyms, rec. centers, etc..

   - Use their backyards and garages to teach.

   - Travel on their own seminar circuit.

   - Are also instructors of other very famous courses! And teach those too.

   - Are military and police instructors and teach those services too.

I don't care! It is important to improvise and grow. These programs are about you not me. Your growth, success and education.

« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 09:18:18 AM by Hock »


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Re: How to Become an Instructor?
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2006, 08:32:02 AM »

Is there expensive, instructor re-certification?

No. Its free when you attend another annual seminar. If you don't attend, after a while, unless there are common-sense, extenuating circumstances, you sort of drop-drift off the active rolls. I don't want to bother people with annual fees. They need their own money!

I do need to see ranking practitioners and instructors about once a year when common-sense-possible, because a common seminar will have a new theme or new materials. We never stop processing and progressing  material.

So, about once a year you need to swing by and see me if you can. I try to get close to you. No doubt I will travel more than my share to get within striking distance of you.

I get the common question all the time..."when are you coming to East Hampton?" 

Then some questions that are literally like this one... "When will you parachute into my backyard...near the have a seminar I can go to?"  and ..."oh, and if you do jump into my backyard? Is there a discount?"

I simply cannot go everywhere, land in everyone's neighborhood or backyard. Sometimes Johnny has to act a big boy and travel a little. You are simply going to have to travel. No doubt I will travel way, way more than my fair share to get within reasonable striking distance of you.

« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 09:20:10 AM by Hock »


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Re: How to Become an Instructor?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2009, 09:51:32 AM »

In the hand course, stick course, knife course, gun course, FMA-PAC course...An instructor can make/promote one rank level under them.

Basic instructor can only promote their students to levels 1 and 2, No instructorships
Advanced instructor can only make a basic instructor and up to level 5
Expert instructor can make basic and advanced and up to level 8

A level 10, a so-called "master" (as in range master not martial arts masters) makes up to 9
Each level above makes a level under them.

In a way, work in the individual courses help build the time and grade for the CQC Group.

As far as the CQC Group...
Only I can make a Hand, Stick, Knife, Gun Close Quarter Combat Group rank or instructors, as each individual CQC Group level is like its own "black belt test." This is real slow going and only a few folks, maybe less than 95 hold (now in 30 years of travel), CQC Group rank, yet I teach over 1,000 people a year, sometimes more.

An instructor earns the right to purchase rank certificates at a discounted, "wholesale" rate and charge "retail." Ask me for that information sheet. Ask at

« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 09:22:09 AM by Hock »


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Re: How to Become an Instructor?
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2015, 01:25:10 PM »

We need to see rank holders and instructors about once every year. Or some reason why we can't. (I am very flexible.)

People listed on our instructor pages on our website, are active certified instructors. There are people not on the list that have attained various ranks to include Black Belt levels ranks in the last 20 years, but for whatever private or professional reasons, they are not recently active within this organization. They take up golf!? Have kids? Etc. They still possess these rankings, they are just not listed here on the active-duty pages. Hock is constantly improving and honing the material, as well as checking on the instructors and their progress. If he doesn't see them for a long period? They simply fall off the active-duty list.

Want back on the list? Just Attend a seminar.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2019, 10:22:58 AM by Hock »


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Re: How to Become an Instructor?
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2020, 07:56:31 AM »

FN Testing - We Are Now The College Approach

Simply put? Now, you do not have to take our modules in order. You can complete course levels out of order.

I am already scheduling seminars for 2021, my 25th year on the road.  In some circumstances, I may only return to a city around the world in a year and a half now, not every year. Worse, complicating the mission, I really am consistently asked for rank progressions and instructorships. Squeezing all this in, IN PROMOTIONAL ORDER for each person, is just about impossible to schedule.

Every single thing I teach is a course we have. We have 7 courses. Hand, Stick, Knife. Gun. CQC Group (which is the combination of the hand, stick, knife and gun courses) PAC/Filipino and Defender. But the core and most popular courses are the hand, stick, knife and gun programs. Four main courses.

Though there are ten levels in each course, the tenth is a big test, so there are 9 levels of study in each course. That's nine times four. 36 levels. 36 modules. Granted the modules are short and simple, but they take time to do, to teach and get to. Getting to them all, for everyone gets harder and harder each year. In a perfect world, like the perfect college schedule, you would start with "Subject 101" and proceed in perfect order, on through the "Subject 400s." Ever done that? Who do you know that has? It is next to impossible.

When folks go to college, they do the best they can. They take the subjects and classes that are open to them at the time, wrestling with both their schedules and the college-scheduled offerings. This means a college student may actually start in class "Subject 105," rather than "Subject 101" because the 101 class is full. (I actually took all my senior level business courses first!. Yes! As a night student no one seemed to care. So I took "401, 402- on up." Took the others later as I could get them.) And fact is we are not even a real "college-college." We are just some certification courses, some training courses. We are not even a martial "art." So, you can achieve out of order.

Complete any three levels? You can become an instructor. Instructors can teach ANY SFC level material, but only promote people in the levels they tested for. Any six levels? Any nine levels? And so on. Another simple way to put this, if on any given Sunday I teach Knife 6 and you complete it successfully? You can get official credit for Knife 6, even though you haven't finished knife 5. We'll all catch up with everything you in the end.

This will facilitate more people to achieve what they deserve this way, given our constricted opportunities.

Some courses have prerequisites. Seen this before? "Must Take Class 301 Before Class 308." Fortunately, in my practical/tactical course modules, these subjects are not brain surgery or rocket science, nor are they fancy, difficult katas, high jinks or high kicks. They are simply basic, simple things spaced out over time, because not all things can fit in level 1 or "101." Plus we expect people will already be working with their local instructors, have the training videos, and also have experience (most folks I see, have experience) in a variety of systems and schools.

So now, simply put? You do not have to take or test for our modules in strict order. Nice if you would? Best if you would. But like college, you can complete course levels out of order.

And, of course, you can simple train in all of this for knowledge only, never taking any tests at all. The choice is always yours.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 11:11:09 AM by Hock »
