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 on: February 14, 2021, 04:20:05 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
As you know talk forums sort of died a long time ago. We keep this open for some small historical info, But Facebook and Instagram changes almost every day. Look here for all unarmed combatives, self defense information.

Force Necessary Webpage


Hock's author page

Hock's Instagram page

Look here for all gun combatives information.

 on: February 03, 2020, 07:56:31 AM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
FN Testing - We Are Now The College Approach

Simply put? Now, you do not have to take our modules in order. You can complete course levels out of order.

I am already scheduling seminars for 2021, my 25th year on the road.  In some circumstances, I may only return to a city around the world in a year and a half now, not every year. Worse, complicating the mission, I really am consistently asked for rank progressions and instructorships. Squeezing all this in, IN PROMOTIONAL ORDER for each person, is just about impossible to schedule.

Every single thing I teach is a course we have. We have 7 courses. Hand, Stick, Knife. Gun. CQC Group (which is the combination of the hand, stick, knife and gun courses) PAC/Filipino and Defender. But the core and most popular courses are the hand, stick, knife and gun programs. Four main courses.

Though there are ten levels in each course, the tenth is a big test, so there are 9 levels of study in each course. That's nine times four. 36 levels. 36 modules. Granted the modules are short and simple, but they take time to do, to teach and get to. Getting to them all, for everyone gets harder and harder each year. In a perfect world, like the perfect college schedule, you would start with "Subject 101" and proceed in perfect order, on through the "Subject 400s." Ever done that? Who do you know that has? It is next to impossible.

When folks go to college, they do the best they can. They take the subjects and classes that are open to them at the time, wrestling with both their schedules and the college-scheduled offerings. This means a college student may actually start in class "Subject 105," rather than "Subject 101" because the 101 class is full. (I actually took all my senior level business courses first!. Yes! As a night student no one seemed to care. So I took "401, 402- on up." Took the others later as I could get them.) And fact is we are not even a real "college-college." We are just some certification courses, some training courses. We are not even a martial "art." So, you can achieve out of order.

Complete any three levels? You can become an instructor. Instructors can teach ANY SFC level material, but only promote people in the levels they tested for. Any six levels? Any nine levels? And so on. Another simple way to put this, if on any given Sunday I teach Knife 6 and you complete it successfully? You can get official credit for Knife 6, even though you haven't finished knife 5. We'll all catch up with everything you in the end.

This will facilitate more people to achieve what they deserve this way, given our constricted opportunities.

Some courses have prerequisites. Seen this before? "Must Take Class 301 Before Class 308." Fortunately, in my practical/tactical course modules, these subjects are not brain surgery or rocket science, nor are they fancy, difficult katas, high jinks or high kicks. They are simply basic, simple things spaced out over time, because not all things can fit in level 1 or "101." Plus we expect people will already be working with their local instructors, have the training videos, and also have experience (most folks I see, have experience) in a variety of systems and schools.

So now, simply put? You do not have to take or test for our modules in strict order. Nice if you would? Best if you would. But like college, you can complete course levels out of order.

And, of course, you can simple train in all of this for knowledge only, never taking any tests at all. The choice is always yours.

 on: February 03, 2020, 07:55:50 AM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
SFC Testing - We Are Now The College Approach

Simply put? Now, you do not have to take our modules in order. You can complete course levels out of order.

I am already scheduling seminars for 2025, my 30th year on the road.  In some circumstances, I may only return to a city around the world in a year and a half now, not every year. Worse, complicating the mission, I really am consistently asked for rank progressions and instructorships. Squeezing all this in, IN PROMOTIONAL ORDER for each person, is just about impossible to schedule.

Every single thing I teach is a course we have. We have 7 courses. Hand, Stick, Knife. Gun. CQC Group (which is the combination of the hand, stick, knife and gun courses) PAC/Filipino and Police Judo. But the core and most popular courses are the hand, stick, knife and gun programs. Four main courses.

Though there are ten levels in each course, the tenth is a big test, so there are 9 levels of study in each course. That's nine times four. 36 levels. 36 modules. Granted the modules are short and simple, but they take time to do, to teach and get to. Getting to them all, for everyone gets harder and harder each year. In a perfect world, like the perfect college schedule, you would start with "Subject 101" and proceed in perfect order, on through the "Subject 400s." Ever done that? Who do you know that has? It is next to impossible.

When folks go to college, they do the best they can. They take the subjects and classes that are open to them at the time, wrestling with both their schedules and the college-scheduled offerings. This means a college student may actually start in class "Subject 105," rather than "Subject 101" because the 101 class is full. (I actually took all my senior level business courses first!. Yes! As a night student no one seemed to care. So I took "401, 402- on up." Took the others later as I could get them.) And fact is we are not even a real "college-college." We are just some certification courses, some training courses. We are not even a martial "art." So, you can achieve out of order.

Complete any three levels? You can become an instructor. Instructors can teach ANY SFC level material, but only promote people in the levels they tested for. Any six levels? Any nine levels? And so on. Another simple way to put this, if on any given Sunday I teach Knife 6 and you complete it successfully? You can get official credit for Knife 6, even though you haven't finished knife 5. We'll all catch up with everything you in the end.

This will facilitate more people to achieve what they deserve this way, given our constricted opportunities.

Some courses have prerequisites. Seen this before? "Must Take Class 301 Before Class 308." Fortunately, in my practical/tactical course modules, these subjects are not brain surgery or rocket science, nor are they fancy, difficult katas, high jinks or high kicks. They are simply basic, simple things spaced out over time, because not all things can fit in level 1 or "101." Plus we expect people will already be working with their local instructors, have the training videos, and also have experience (most folks I see, have experience) in a variety of systems and schools.

So now, simply put? You do not have to take or test for our modules in strict order. Nice if you would? Best if you would. But like college, you can complete course levels out of order.

And, of course, you can simple train in all of this for knowledge only, never taking any tests at all. The choice is always yours.

 on: August 08, 2016, 04:07:05 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
Jiyu Yushi -  "For those who may wonder about the above historical tapesrty (replica), it is from the Getty's copy of Fiore dei Liberi's 1410 manuscript: FIOR di BATTAGLIA or FLOWER OF BATTLE. It alleges the main power cuts and thrust for a sword. The accompany "spirit" animals encompass Maestro Fiore's concepts a knight needed for success in battle: The 12 O'clock animal, the Lynx represents the learned and innate sensitivity needed to discern actual correct need to the task, with its subsequent distance, timing and positioning forthcoming from that need. The 3 O'clock animal, the Lion, represents the necessity of a bold and daring heart, as without that, the following applications are worthless. The 6 O'clock animal, the Elephant and castle thereupon perched, symbolizes both unfettered mind and unwavering strength of purpose and application. Too many think it is about physical balance and strength. True Combatants, of which Maestro was one, knows mental balance and mental strength usurp physical strength and balance. The 9 O'clock animal, the Tiger represents adaptability to the ever-changing circumstances of the contextual field of combat. The tiger quickly adapts to this dynamic environment, engaging what must be done as it must be accomplished. Ken Mondschein offers a nice little manual from the Getty-owned manuscript: THE KNIGHTLY ART OF BATTLE."

The 6 O'clock animal, the Elephant and castle thereupon perched, symbolizes both unfettered mind and unwavering strength of purpose and application. Too many think it is about physical balance and strength. True Combatants, of which Maestro was one, knows mental balance and mental strength usurp physical strength and balance.

 on: July 01, 2016, 01:38:20 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
One time awhile back, I had a old-timey karate black belt, system head, guy, tell a student who was both with him and me, say...

"Hock has no finesse."

Actually coming from him, that was a good compliment. His definition of finesse is not one I aspire too.

Beauty and ugly is in the eye of the beholder.


 on: February 26, 2015, 01:25:10 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
We need to see rank holders and instructors about once every year. Or some reason why we can't. (I am very flexible.)

People listed on our instructor pages on our website, are active certified instructors. There are people not on the list that have attained various ranks to include Black Belt levels ranks in the last 20 years, but for whatever private or professional reasons, they are not recently active within this organization. They take up golf!? Have kids? Etc. They still possess these rankings, they are just not listed here on the active-duty pages. Hock is constantly improving and honing the material, as well as checking on the instructors and their progress. If he doesn't see them for a long period? They simply fall off the active-duty list.

Want back on the list? Just Attend a seminar.


 on: June 13, 2013, 02:50:46 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
SFC Testing - We Use The College Approach

Simply put? Now, you do not have to take our modules in order. You can complete course levels out of order.

     I am already scheduling seminars for 2023, my 27th year on the road.  In some circumstances, I may only return to a city around the world in a year and a half now, not every year. Worse, complicating the mission, I really am consistently asked for rank progressions and instructorships. Squeezing all this in, IN PROMOTIONAL ORDER for each individual person, is just about impossible to schedule.
     Every single thing I teach is a course we have. We have 7 courses. Hand, Stick, Knife. Gun. CQC Group (which is the combination of the hand, stick, knife and gun courses)FMA/PAC and Police Judo. But the core and most popular courses are the hand, stick, knife and gun programs. Four main courses.
     The core of all the levels are first levels. The tenth is a big test, a Black Belt test. Granted, many of the modules are short and simple, but they take time to do, to teach and get to. Getting to them all, for everyone gets harder and harder each year. In a perfect world, like the perfect college schedule, you would start with "Subject 101" and proceed in perfect order, on through the "Subject 400s." Ever done that? Who do you know that has? It is next to impossible.
     When folks go to college, they do the best they can. They take the subjects and classes that are open to them at the time, wrestling with both their schedules and the college-scheduled offerings. This means a college student may actually start in class "Subject 105," rather than "Subject 101" because the 101 class is full. (I actually took all my senior level business courses first!. Yes! As a night student no one seemed to care. So I took "401, 402- on up." Took the others later as I could get them.) And fact is we are not even a real "college-college." We are just some certification courses, some training courses. We are not even a martial "art." So, you can achieve out of order.

     Some courses have prerequisites. Seen this before? "Must Take Class 301 Before Class 308." Another simple way to put this, if on any given Sunday I teach Hand 6 and you complete it successfully? You can get official credit for your first or next hand level, even though you haven't finished up to Hand 5. We'll all catch up with everything you in the end. This will facilitate more people to achieve what they deserve this way, given our constricted opportunities. Fortunately, in my practical/tactical course modules, these subjects are not brain surgery or rocket science, nor are they fancy, difficult katas, high jinx or high kicks. They are simply basic, simple things spaced out over time, because not all things can fit in level 1 or "101." Plus we expect people will already be working with their local instructors, have the training videos, and also have experience (most folks I see, have experience) in a variety of systems and schools.
      So now, simply put? You do not have to take or test for our modules in strict order. Nice if you would? Best if you would. But like college, you can complete course levels out of order. And, of course, you can simple train in all of this for knowledge only, never taking any tests at all. The choice is always yours.
     Complete any three levels? You can become an instructor. Instructors can teach ANY SFC material, but only promote people in the levels they tested for.

 on: June 10, 2013, 02:30:00 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
Combat Centric Talk Forum and news service does not assume responsibility as to the accuracy, correctness, completeness, reliability and up-to-date-ness of information made available here. Combat Centric will make serious and reasonable efforts to correct any incorrect information, but the opinions expressed by people on the talk forum are their first amendment rights opinions and are usually on public figures, public events and academics.

Contact with complaints. Combat Centric reserves the right to modify, amend, delete, suspend or discontinue any these commentaries without prior notice.

      "I will try to fix anything proven untrue or proven wrong. But you have to contact me and give me the information to work with! I do not like removing anything people have posted, though, so prove it to me." - W. Hock Hochheim

All readers should and MUST conduct their own investigations into ALL information, public figures, public events and academics before making any private conclusions. Although this organization does not and cannot review all the messages and/or files posted and is not responsible for the content of any of these files. You remain solely responsible for the content of your information, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless W. Hock Hochheim, the SFC, Lauric and their agents with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message and/or file(s).

W. Hock Hochheim

 on: May 29, 2011, 07:01:17 PM 
Started by Hock - Last post by VicMackey
It never ceases to amaze me how much others would spend for a fancy car, luxury house, beautiful vacation, high speed computer, big screen TV, expensive video games, etc. yet not willing to spend some money on an effective self-defense program or a high quality firearm that may save their life someday. I guess we all have our priorities in life and we get what we pay for.

 on: July 12, 2010, 11:37:23 AM 
Started by Hock - Last post by Hock
Yeah that sounds like the "elephant in the room" theme, used when people are ignoring a big problem.


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